Sign Up for your First Class and Pay Only $10
Registration for the Spring Series Opens March 5th

Available Live Online + In Person
75 minute
$240/ 12 Week Series
$25 /drop in
$10 first class (new members)
Register for 2 classes weekly and save 10%
plus free drop ins when space is available
Registration for the Spring Series Opens March 12th
Yoga for Core & Pelvic Health
Tues 9:30am
Thurs 6:15pm

Got pelvic floor concerns? Peeing your pants? Back pain? Prolapse? I’ve got a class for that.

I get it, this stuff’s really uncomfortable to talk about, that’s why I’m here. This is my specialty after all.

We’re so quick to chalk it up to being normal, and something we just need to deal with, but I know first hand that if you’re 

  • wearing a panty liner to workout

  • or worse avoiding activities worried your bladder/back/prolapse can’t handle it

You can come back from this, and this is the class for you.

this goes way beyond your mama’s kegels.

Because laying there and doing your kegels isn’t enough, since I highly doubt you’re laying down when you experience leaking.

You can manage and prevent pelvic floor concerns, with the right strategies, and then adding them into movement - that’s where I come in.

We start with the ABCs. Nope, we’re not going back to pre school, it’s super practical and surprisingly easier than you think.

A- alignment
B- breath work
C- core work 
Leaking and pain are common, but they’re not normal.

I’ve been there. I’ve also talked with countless women who believe

  • It’s because you’ve birthed babies

  • doing all the Kegels and it isn’t working

  • Its something you just have to live with

I’ve also worked with 100s of women, just like you, who’ve seen they’re symptoms decrease and even go away completely, myself included.

Looking for Something Even More personal?

Check out Private Yoga and Personal Training Services

Want to learn what it takes to become a Yoga Teacher?

Check out our Yoga Alliance certified 200hr Yoga Teacher Training: Fundamentals of Yoga

Registration Perks

Register for the 12 Week Series and qualify for the following perks:

  • A Secured spot in the class(es) that you want to attend weekly, either in person or virtually online.
  • Access to the class recordings available on-demand.
  • A Member Portal which includes class archives, guided meditation, and other fancy bonus content.
  • Access to me via e-mail throughout the entire session.
  • Online students get a 1-1 Check in via Zoom that can be booked anytime during the session. This replaces the opportunity to hang out after class to get a little extra help.
  • 1 Free Pass to Drop in with a Friend (new to studio, one class, one pass per member).
  • Save 10% on Workshops run by Body Mind Fitness (20% when you're registered for 2 classes weekly).
  • Also, Save an additional $2/class and get Unlimited Drop Ins when you signup for 2 Classes a week.
  • $20 studio credit when you refer a friend and they sign up for class series or personal training.
  • Did I mention that every single class is tailor-made, and adjusted as we go, with your specific goals in mind?
Beside the Free Friend Passes, perks cannot be shared with others and can only be used by the registered member. Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferrable

Payment Plans are available for an additional 5% admin and processing fee.
Send me an e-mail to make arrangements.